Why Is There So Much Excess Inventory and Abandoned Inventory For Sale?
Closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory are all terms used to describe products that are no longer wanted or needed by their owners. They can be found in a variety of places, from retail stores to warehouses to online marketplaces. There are many terms for the same thing, but include overstock inventory, liquidation stock, closeouts and surplus.
There are many reasons why these types of inventory exist. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Poor forecasting: If a company does not accurately forecast demand for its products, it may end up with too much inventory. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as changes in the market or customer preferences. These changes lead to a decrease in spending on certain goods, which in term creates excess inventory and abandoned products that must be sold at deep discounts to get rid of stock.
- Product changes: If a company changes its product mix or introduces new products, it may end up with excess inventory of older products. This is because the company may still have some of the older products in stock when the new products are released. It is important to get rid of the old inventory and unwanted stock before it gets too old and is not salable. If it sits in the warehouse too long it creates some problems. First, it takes up warehouse space that may be needed for new products. Second, it gets old and worn and loses it's appeal. Finally, it may go out of style and may no longer be appealing to consumers or closeout buyers.
- Seasonal changes: Some products are only in demand during certain seasons. If a company does not sell all of its inventory of these products during the season, it will end up with excess stock. As closeout buyers, we often purchase excess inventory and closeouts off season so we get better pricing. If the goods are cheap enough, we are willing to hold the inventory in our warehouse until the following season. However, if you are a regular import company this may not work because you need the warehouse space to receive new products and new containers of current merchandise. Last seasons products need to be liquidated and cleared out of the warehouse by using some form of a liquidation process to get rid of stock.
- Returned merchandise: Customers often return merchandise to retailers. This can lead to excess inventory, especially if the retailer does not have a good system for processing returns. Not all wholesale closeout buyers will buy returns, but some of them do and they should be considered as an option. Most overstock inventory buyers have a closeout process that only allows them to buy brand new closeouts and overstock inventory. This is because their business model is to re-sell the inventory to discount retail stores. If you are having trouble finding a closeout liquidator to help, try searching online for closeout buyers, overstock inventory buyers, closeouts, liquidation process, inventory liquidation buyers and where to sell abandoned inventory. This should help you.
- Bankruptcy: When a company declares bankruptcy, it may need to liquidate its assets, including inventory. This can lead to closeouts and abandoned inventory.
The presence of closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory can have a number of negative consequences for businesses. These include:
- Increased costs: Storing excess inventory can be expensive. Companies may have to pay rent for warehouse space, as well as insurance and other fees. This is one reason so many 3PL warehouses have expanded operations in recent years. There is simply more product in the market, and more containers arriving from China, all filled with goods. Even the slightest slowdown in consumer spending results in massive amounts of closeouts, excess inventory and unwanted inventory that must be disposed of.
- ILost sales: If a company has too much inventory, it may not be able to sell all of it before it expires or becomes obsolete. This can lead to lost sales and revenue. Having too much inventory in stock is a serious problem for just about any kind of business. That's the reason there are so many inventory liquidators in business to help relieve companies from having to deal with these overstock situations. Some closeout buyers specialize in certain categories, while others buy just about any kind of inventory liquidation. Merchandise USA buys all consumer products, but our specialty is closeout pet products, closeouts of lawn and garden products and excess inventory of toys, sporting goods and home décor.
- Damaged reputation: If a company has a lot of closeouts or abandoned inventory, it can damage the company's reputation. Customers may perceive the company as being disorganized or unprofessional. On the other hand, companies that sell only closeouts and excess inventory promote themselves as aggressive discounters offering all kinds of deals.
There are a number of things that businesses can do to reduce the amount of closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory they have. These include:
- Accurately forecast demand: Businesses should use historical data and market research to accurately forecast demand for their products. This will help them avoid having too much overstock inventory that isn't selling, or obsolete inventory costing them money.
- Manage returns effectively: Businesses should have a good system for processing returns. This will help them reduce the amount of returned merchandise they have to deal with, and at the same time will reduce overstock inventory and too much stock in the warehouse.
- Liquidate inventory quickly: If a company does have excess inventory, it should take steps to liquidate it quickly. This will help the company avoid the costs of storing the inventory.
- Dispose of inventory properly: If a company cannot sell its excess inventory, it should dispose of it properly. This may involve donating the inventory to charity or recycling it. If a business is shutting down it's warehouse or downsizing warehouse, it should be aggressive about discounting closeouts and obsolete inventory quickly to dispose of it fast.
By taking steps to reduce the amount of closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory they have, businesses can save money, improve their reputation, and increase their profits. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, there are a few other factors that can contribute to the presence of closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory. These include:
- Globalization: The globalization of the economy has made it easier for companies to source products from overseas. This can lead to problems if a company orders too much inventory and then finds that it cannot sell it all.
- Changes in technology: Technological changes can quickly make products obsolete. This can lead to excess inventory and obsolete inventory if a company does not keep up with the latest trends.
- Natural disasters: Natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes, can damage or destroy inventory. This can lead to closeouts and abandoned inventory. The presence of closeouts, excess inventory, and abandoned inventory is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by understanding the causes of these problems, businesses can take steps to reduce their impact.
Merchandise USA is a reliable closeout partner and inventory liquidator in business almost 40 years. We specialize in helping companies dispose of abandoned inventory, excess merchandise, closeout liquidations and unwanted goods. Whether you want to liquidate Amazon stock or get rid of inventory sitting in the warehouse, we can walk you through the liquidation process and make disposing of inventory hassle free.