Everything Must Go. How To Liquidate Once And For All.

sell excess inventory and closeouts

Before you liquidate and close the doors of your business, it’s important to know how to liquidate your business assets so that you will recover the maximum amount possible. The following is a quick overview of the steps involved in liquidating closeouts and getting rid of merchandise. There are a lot of wholesalers, manufacturers, and distributors that can help you liquidate your inventory. Much of these items go out for auction, and these services yield higher average returns than many of the other alternatives.

Customers always love a deal and want to feel like they are getting the most from their money. So if you want to get rid of merchandise, bundling surplus inventory with other products within the same category can boost revenue and help you liquidate. There are all different ways to sell excess inventory, but why not let your customers take advantage of the discounted prices and low cost? Closeouts are super popular today because everyone wants a great deal on whatever they are buying.

If you don’t want to sell excess inventory or closeouts, you may consider donating inventory In order to qualify for the charitable deduction. When inventory is donated, the contribution must be made to a qualified public charity or a private operating foundation, and the donee's use of the property must be for the care of infants, the ill or needy.

If you want to liquidate inventory and get rid of merchandise, a 3PL warehouse may be very good for you. Major companies use 3PL warehouses when they cannot find surplus inventory buyers and overstock buyers to take all their closeouts at one time. We also buy closeouts from companies you have experienced slow sales due. Due to the large number of warehouses liquidating inventory, there is a high demand for closeout buyers and liquidators who buy wholesale items and old inventory. Often times there is a need for buyers who can handle companies in need of liquidating entire warehouses of closeouts.

One of the best ways to sell excess inventory is by searching online for buyers. You can get rid of merchandise to online sellers, closeout buyers, liquidators and other overstock buyers. These companies may resell your products online, or they may ship the to brick and mortar stores around the world. But no matter how you want to do it, if you are going to have a major liquidation and get rid of all inventory, there are a lot of different ways to go about it.