How To Lose Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars Selling On Amazon.
Amazon is a massive marketplace with over 200 million active customers worldwide. This makes it a very attractive platform for sellers, both big and small. However, selling on Amazon is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges that Amazon sellers face is managing their inventory. If sellers do not manage their inventory carefully, they can easily end up with too much inventory, which can lead to closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory that they have to liquidate. When this happens, they are selling overstock products below cost and losing money. Storage fees are so high that sellers cannot afford to hold goods in the warehouse and pay expensive 3PL warehouse fees.
Why so many Amazon sellers are losing tens of thousands of dollars
There are a number of reasons why so many Amazon sellers are losing tens of thousands of dollars and getting stuck with closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory. Closeout brokers and companies that buy overstock and closeout inventory can help, but it comes at the cost of selling far below regular price. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Overestimating demand: One of the biggest mistakes that Amazon sellers make is overestimating demand for their products. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as not doing enough market research or relying on inaccurate sales data. When sellers overestimate demand, they end up ordering more inventory than they need. This leads to having overstock inventory that doesn’t sell, closeouts that have to be liquidated and excess stock that is offloaded to make more room in the warehouse for new products.
- Poor inventory management: Another common mistake that Amazon sellers make is poor inventory management. This can include not tracking inventory levels closely, not having a good system for replenishing inventory, and not forecasting demand accurately. Poor inventory management can lead to stock outs, overstocks, and closeouts. This often then requires having to contact inventory liquidators who can buy the entire inventory in one fell swoop, at a large discount.
- Competition: Amazon is a highly competitive marketplace. There are millions of sellers selling millions of different products. This competition can make it difficult for sellers to stand out and generate sales. When sellers are struggling to sell their products, they may be more likely to overstock inventory in order to try to increase sales. This can lead to having too much excess inventory in the 3PL warehouse and it is expensive to store goods here. Sometimes keeping a lot of inventory in the warehouse is good but there are other times when having too much inventory in the warehouse is a losing proposition. It is costly, it takes up valuable warehouse space needed for other products, and it forces you to liquidate overstock inventory at a loss.
- Amazon's algorithm: Amazon's algorithm is complex and constantly changing. This can make it difficult for sellers to predict how their products will rank in Amazon's search results. If a seller's products are not ranking well, they may have difficulty selling their inventory. Then if the inventory sits too long there are additional warehouse costs that cut into profits. Before you know it, you are actually losing money every time you sell something. It reaches the point where it is cheaper to liquidate your closeouts, overstock products and excess inventory at a loss and get rid of everything rather than keep old stock sitting in the warehouse.
- Seasonality: Some products are more seasonal than others. For example, Closeout Christmas decorations are more likely to sell during the holiday season. If a seller does not anticipate seasonality and order too much inventory for a seasonal product, they may end up with excess inventory after the season is over. This is why every year there are closeouts, excess inventory and overstock merchandise available for sale every year.
The impact of closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory. Closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory can have a significant negative impact on Amazon sellers. Some of the ways that these problems can impact sellers include:
- Reduced profits: When sellers have to liquidate their inventory at a discount, they reduce their profits. It is not easy to have good Amazon rankings and be profitable. If you are looking for a reliable partner to buy your excess inventory and liquidation stock, you can try doing a simple Google search using these search terms: closeout, inventory liquidators, buyers for excess stock, excess inventory buyers, closeouts, closeout websites, shutting down operations closing entire business, downsizing 3PL warehouse, clear stock from warehouse and sell excess inventory.
- Increased costs: Liquidating inventory can be costly. Sellers may have to pay for shipping, storage, and other fees. But it is better to pay fees and liquidate old inventory and offload closeouts and slow moving products. If you don't sell dead stock it will accumulate in your warehouse until it no longer has any value and isn't worth anything. It's better to liquidate stock and offload excess inventory than pay money to throw it in the garbage.
- Damaged reputation: If sellers are constantly liquidating inventory, it can damage their reputation on Amazon. Customers may be less likely to buy from sellers who have a history of liquidating inventory, selling closeouts, offloading excess inventory and disposing of overstock inventory.
How to avoid closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory
There are a number of things that Amazon sellers can do to avoid closeouts, excess inventory, and overstock inventory. Some of the most important things to do includ:
- Do your market research: Before you start selling a product on Amazon, it is important to do your market research. This will help you to understand the demand for the product and how much inventory you need to order. Keeping just the right amount of inventory in stock is walking a fine line. You don't want to accumulate excess inventory and too much products otherwise you may be forced to liquidate closeouts and overstock at a loss.
- Implement a good inventory management system: A good inventory management system will help you to track your inventory levels closely and forecast demand accurately. This will help you to avoid overstock inventory, obsolete products, overstock merchandise and closeouts.
- Monitor your sales data: It is important to monitor your sales data closely so that you can identify any trends or changes in demand. This will help you to adjust your inventory levels accordingly.
- Use Amazon's tools and resources: Amazon offers a number of tools and resources to help sellers manage their inventory. For example, Amazon's Inventory Planner can help you to forecast demand and set inventory levels so you don't get stuck with excess inventory and too much dead stock. If you have overstock inventory that doesn't sell, you might consider finding a closeout inventory buyer or liquidation buyer to offload your excess stock.
- Diversify your product offerings: It is important to diversify your product offerings so that you are not too reliant on any one product. This will help you to reduce your risk if one of your products does not sell well. Merchandise USA is an inventory liquidator specializing in buying closeout pet products, closeout lawn and garden inventory, overstock housewares, home décor and closeout toys and sporting goods. We can help guide you through the closeout process and liquidation process so you understand how to offload closeout inventory that isn't selling.