Merchandise USA is a closeout buyer and excess inventory liquidator in business more than 40 years. We have 100,000 square feet of distribution space in Chicago, IL and we are always in the market to buy closeouts and overstock inventory. Whether you are interested in liquidating a complete warehouse full of products, or just selling surplus or overstock of a few items, you are definitely in the right place. We are one of the industry's premier and most reputable closeout buyers and you can count on us for almost four decades of knowledge and experience in buying excess inventory and guiding sellers through the closeout process. We have an excellent reputation, A+ credit, and an extensive background in buying and selling excess inventory.
We are a liquidators of obsolete toys, surplus housewares, giftware, home decor, novelties, and juvenile products. We buy closeouts of excess pet products, lawn and garden merchandise and all other surplus inventory for sale. We are always looking to buy closeouts and discontinued inventory from importers, distributors, fulfillment warehouses, 3rd party logistics warehouses, factories, wholesale companies and Amazon FBA sellers. We specialize in buying closeout, excess, overstock, liquidation and discontinued products.
Our customer base is made up of discount stores, drug chains, variety outlets, redemption centers, liquidators, closeout buyers and online sellers. And thanks to our many years in business we have built a sizable distribution system that will not interfere with your everyday wholesale channels. You can rest assured when you sell us your closeouts that your inventory will be re-distributed into secondary markets throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America and Central America.
Make us your #1 partner with closeout inventory liquidation for any of the following reasons: Bankruptcy, shutting down your business, reorganization, slow moving inventory, liquidation sale, overstock, closeout sale, liquidation due to Covid-19, excess inventory, closing your warehouse, surplus inventory, 3PL warehouse closing, downsizing your business, or any other reason you may need to quickly sell inventory for cash. We make immediate buying decisions and can issue purchase orders, schedule pickups, and make payments within days. Please include as many details as possible with your offer including item descriptions, quantity available, asking prices, pictures, etc.
Call us toll-free (888) 757-0060 or sell us your closeouts by completing our online form. You can also email details to
Whether you are a new company or a seasoned large corporation, it is important to remember that where you sell your surplus inventory and liquidation overstock is very important. Merchandise USA was founded in 1984 on the basic principles of honesty and integrity. If you looking for a surplus inventory buyer It is always our goal to partner with vendors and buy surplus inventory that benefits both parties. So if you are looking to sell surplus inventory or sell obsolete inventory, we are ready to buy your surplus inventory for cash so you can sell your end of line stock and clean out your warehouse. We can also be helpful if you are downsizing your warehouse or shutting down your warehouse and closing down all operations. We buy closeouts from companies for many reasons including companies that have been bought out and have excess inventory to a company that has excess stock from a previous season and needs to get rid of excess inventory immediately. Merchandise USA is a reputable wholesale liquidator that will buy your problem overstock, surplus, excess, discontinued and obsolete inventory. We can also help if you are shutting down your warehouse or moving your warehouse.
As one of America's leading closeout wholesale liquidators, we have forged wholesale partnerships with some of America's largest companies. If you are looking to sell excess inventory, Merchandise USA will buy your closeout and overstock inventory, ship it to our large warehousing and distribution facility in Chicago, and re-sell it into a secondary market that will not affect your everyday sales. Whether you have excess inventory taking up valuable warehouse space, retiring obsolete inventory for new lines, or shutting down your business, call us first to buy your overstock stock. Where you sell surplus inventory is important because when we are surplus buyers that know how to liquidate inventory without disrupting your regular distribution channels. Not all excess inventory buyers are created equal. Merchandise USA understands the value in being a surplus buyer that can strategically place your closeout merchandise in our supply channels so you will never see it again. Not all closeout buyers know how to do this and not all inventory liquidators see the important value to this service. If it has become too competitive on Amazon and you had to close your business, or you are experiencing high warehouse costs, you can turn to us to get rid of excess inventory, sell closeouts, and sell surplus inventory to one of the largest closeout buyers in the industry. Inventory liquidators have been buying unwanted inventory from companies for many years, but Merchandise USA is a leader in the industry so if you inventory isn't selling please contact us today.
We can help you with all of your overbought merchandise. Contact us with closeouts for sale if you are looking for a reliable closeout buyer who will do what we promise. We are closeout buyers and surplus inventory buyers of discontinued pet supplies, merchandise for liquidation, wholesale school supplies, bulk closeout toys, dollar store items, obsolete inventory, wholesale goods, closeout deals, wholesale birthday party supplies, liquidation lots, wholesale dog supplies and any other closeouts or wholesale items you need to get rid of. If you need to liquidate merchandise, we are ready to make a wholesale purchase and are always buying pallets of merchandise and truckloads of excess inventory. If you are looking to liquidate inventory, contact us today with any closeout liquidations and overstock items for sale. If you need to liquidate merchandise and put money in your pocket, we are the closeout buyers for you. We are one of the largest wholesale liquidators for many reasons and it is always our goal to be fair and transparent when we buy excess inventory. You may be shutting down your warehouse and selling all inventory, or maybe you had to close your business or you are moving warehouses because your inventory isn't selling. It is also possible your warehouse expenses or Amazon long term storage fees are too high and you need to make room in your warehouse by finding excess inventory buyers. If you overbought inventory and need to sell to free up warehouse space, it is possible you may want to look for inventory liquidators who can help. Contact us for an immediate response if you are selling unwanted merchandise or looking for a company to buy surplus inventory.
Whether you are a new company or a seasoned large corporation, it is important to remember that where you sell surplus inventory and slow moving inventory is very important. Merchandise USA was founded in 1984 on the basic principles of honesty and integrity. When buying closeouts It is always our goal to partner with vendors and make deals that benefit both parties. Many of our vendors come back to us again and again because we make the liquidation process so easy. There are many liquidation companies to choose from, but we feel we are ahead of the pack when it comes to helping This is a competitive closeout environment and not all players are created equal. Thankfully, if you are selling surplus and excess inventory we can help you. Merchandise USA is a reputable wholesale liquidator that will help you to liquidate inventory. We will buy your overstock in any size lot. This means you can sell surplus inventory, sell excess inventory, sell closeouts, and discontinue overstock products and obsolete inventory easily and quickly. We are interested in closeout pet products, discount housewares, wholesale sporting goods, wholesale pallets, wholesale Christmas décor, and anything else you may need from liquidation buyers.
If you have wholesale product for sale and you are looking for wholesale liquidators, make us your #1 choice as your excess inventory buyers. We are ready to buy closeouts and we are one of the oldest suppliers in the industry to liquidate amazon inventory. We buy excess inventory of all kinds and if you need to empty out your warehouse or close your business we buy excess inventory. We buy liquidation pallets everyday, and we have been in business since 1984. Liquidate your inventory stress free and make sure you are selling your closeouts to a reliable closeout buyer who understands the market. You can sell surplus inventory without hassle and worry by working with surplus buyers who have had experience buying closeouts for more than 3 decades. We make the liquidation process simple and will guide you through the necessary steps to liquidate merchandise and free up warehouse space. When it comes to the sale of closeout merchandise and overbought inventory, make us your inventory liquidator of choice. Today's market is highly competitive and you have many choices about where to liquidate excess inventory. We know how to deal with many aspects facing surplus inventory buyers. You may be liquidating due to Amazon FBA long term storage fees. Maybe your company was purchased and you are looking for closeout buyers to reduce your inventory before the new company takes over. Perhaps your company is closing due to COVID-19 and you are looking for liquidation buyers to dissolve the inventory. Whatever your reason, Merchandise USA knows how to buy closeouts and liquidate inventory hassle free so you will experience the least stressful inventory liquidation possible.
If you are running an inventory liquidation selling discontinued inventory and are looking for a wholesale liquidator you can trust, contact Merchandise USA today and discover what it is like to do business with an A-1 rated company. We are closeout specialists and buy and sell surplus, discontinued and overstock merchandise. You can make Merchandise USA your #1 source to buy your wholesale overstock, buy closeouts, sell surplus and closeout inventory, and buy obsolete inventory. We are one of the most trusted wholesale liquidation companies in the industry. You are in the right place if you are interested in selling your closeouts to one of the industry's premier and most reputable closeout buyers. The liquidation process is simple when you sell to a liquidator you can trust. You may be selling closeouts for many different reasons, but we know how to make the closeout process stress free by being a responsible and reliable closeout partner. You may be closing your warehouse or downsizing your warehouse; you may have a shipment in the warehouse that is a canceled order, or you may be downsizing you warehouse and liquidating. Whatever the reason, we are excess inventory buyers ready to buy closeouts and buy surplus inventory for cash. Sometimes companies need to liquidate merchandise for fundamental changes in their business such as closing a warehouse down, shutting down a business and selling closeouts, or shutting down the business due to a death. But other times there are simple adjustments to be made to inventory levels because you sent too much inventory to Amazon FBA, or perhaps you have canceled orders requiring you to find excess inventory buyers so you avoid paying long term storage fees. Maybe you need to move out excess inventory and move onto new products by finding liquidation buyers and sell surplus inventory. Whatever the reason, we are ready to buy closeouts and here for you to sell surplus inventory.
Merchandise USA is a wholesale liquidator and we are ready to buy closeouts and excess inventory now.